You lean on the wall, and you find yourself on the other side of it. The railway continues, the trembing is still present. It looks exactly the same as before, except everything is mirrored.

Southsouthsouth differs very little from South. Every instance of Jaimie is repleced with Jose, and you can accidentally fall of the train, after which Traingirl Ambrose helps you back. Here you can find these minor differences.

Sorry about the text, I'll try to do something about it in the document.

~The Watcher of Threads

You really hope you can go back.

Obvious exit:




Grape Pie (the first car)

Press WASD to walk. Or you may find other ways to get around.


His True Name can no longer be spoken here, ever since the Demon Ose colonized his mind.

Train Girl Ambrose


Train Girl Ambrose is so good! I'm glad IC brought her in!


Jose is the train itself. The engine and engineer intertwined.

But a train can not operate on that alone.

Train Girl Ambrose was brought in to handle the day to day customer service affairs.

If you accidentally fall off the train, she can help you return.


What even is a train?


IC came to me with Train Girl Ambrose, an OC that is obsessed with trains and also the Demon Ose is melting her brain (hence why 'ose' is in her name. She used to be just Amber (actually now that I'm thinking of it I'm gonna have Jaimie take on the 'Jose' persona. )). But yeah. Fully formed char tormented by a train demon, and *I* happened to already have a train demon? Sign me up! And all it cost was Jaimie fusing with the demon Ose!


Good thing I bought a ticket!


Hey! Your conductor here. Jaimie-- wait, Jose, Jose-- Jose said I should do an announcement. Letting everyone know I'll be by to get your tickets! It might take a bit, but I hope to get to everyone's carts at some point."

If you leave the train



What are you doing?


Did you. Hack your way out of your cage?

You wear the face of JR but the Truth is you are...

Statisically speaking, not them."What do you even hope to accomplish here?

Even now...

It remains unclear to me how many Observers actually find their way here.

Much less find such...

Non standard ways of interacting with the ideas of Zampanio.

Does it make you happy, then?

To never do anything as expected?

No matter.

I suppose I should entertain you.

It is hard not to hate you, you know.

But I am better than the childish temper tantrum I unleashed when we first met.

Or is this our first meeting, from your perspective?

Allow me to introduce myself.

I am, in Truth, Not A Spiral. I am a straight line. Or perphaps a concentric ring of circles.

You are free to call me Truth.

My role is to try to impose some semblance of order in this poorly thought out excuse for a 'maze'.

After all.

If it were merely raw chaos.

You would not be able to remember it.

Structure is needed so that I and those I care for can colonize your mind in a more permanent fashion.

Do try to focus on my significant other, Alt.

Do not be so disgusting as to ask who she is an Alternate of.

As time is not a real thing from my perspective.

I am afraid I do not know if you can interact with her branch, yet.

But should you find her porn bot network. Do say 'hello'.

And I suppose if you see her Wasted form. (Or I suppose you could call it 'Trickster'.)

You can tell her that that leprechaun ruse is fooling no one.


But also, 'hello'.


I can not say it has a been a pleasure.

But thank you for the gift of your attention.

And I hope you remember our branch of Zampanio for a very. Very. Long time.

Should you desire to return to the train, continue on.

The conductor will find you. But not THE Conductor, you understand.

Young or otherwise.

No. This one has been allowed to keep her name.

Say 'hello' to Train Girl Ambrose, for me.

Train Girl Ambrose

Oh! I didn't see you there! You must be...

That can't be right.

If you were a passenger, obviously you'd be in the train and not here! That wouldn't make any sense. Not a single bit.

Trains are meant to be ridden, after all!

But... you do look... like a passenger, I think. Do you still have your ticket?

Yes, that one! There it is. All neat and tidy! Your seat and token number are here too. That means you definitely are a passenger! But you're not in the train...


Wha-huh? What's that?

You wanted... to get back on the train?

(Can you do that?)

W-well, of course you can do that! The crews may be tight, but we are working all day round to get you to your destination!

And why wouldn't you? Trains are cool and fun to ride around! Enviromentally efficient! The cheapest way to transport your goods! Did you know there's a train model referred to as a Terrier?

It's because their chuffs sound like little dog barks!

Anyway, where was I....

Right! I can get you back on the train.

I can't re-punch a punched ticket, though. I'd need to issue you a new one. Sorry! We only issue one-way tickets. An issue with the tracks, I'm told. They only go in one direction.

So if I get you a new ticket... it'll be as if you're experiencing the train all over again!

Isn't that exciting? I'd love to experience a train for the first time twice.

Well, with your permission...

I'm going to punch this new ticket, okay?

Have a safe trip!

Forget Everything?