Title Pending Fanwork

Obvious exit: http://farragofiction.com/TitlePendingFanWork/

Origin: The link to this can be found in the EastEast rabbithole, if you submit a "`".

The Watcher's note: This is a fanwork for the game Title_Pending.

There is a note in the code: "Title Pending Asked Us To Email Them When We Found The Secret Ending. This Is What We Sent."


Salem - Zampanio <zampanio@pm.me>
10:13 PM

Good afternoon Ray,

I'm writing on behalf that I was requested to inform on some missing assets for your company, regarding the game Title_Pending. I'm not sure how much I can be of help, since I'm not sure what happened, but I can at least fill on my end.

Listen, I'm gonna be honest with you, I have no idea how any files were sent over anywhere. I got a note, I clicked a button... I'm going to be double-honest with you, I hadn't originally obtained your game... legitimately? I'd downloaded it from some site to test with some mates and well, we ended up buying copies one each. Hopefully this dissuades you from sending me to prison, considering that's like, a 200% increased profit. Incrementally even, if other mates end up WATCHING from my mate who played the game and buy it. It's like a pyramid scheme, except a straight line and not at all shaped like a pyramid.

Point is, I'm not sure if the whole 'downloading a game off a sketchy site' caused your assets to go flying into a sea of shady silver road relations. I also don't... KNOW what it would do to an asset to be sent there. Maybe the file I downloaded ended up adding the redirect or something? Or changing the redirect somewhere else? I'd need to know WHY there was a button to send files somewhere else? Was it part of a defunct mod database? I'd have to be you to know...

Or maybe they aren't being sent ANYWHERE, and it's some kind of loop. The end is never the end, and all that.
I'm honestly not even sure this email is gonna get picked up. It's all been so goddamn weird, this might just jump off and be some other dev entirely. This might just be me rambling. Either way, I hope it's helpful, and if you don't see it, I at least got some catharsis out of it.
Sent some really crude representations of what I saw. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with. As a fellow game dev, I get when games don't perform as expected.

(as a fellow game dev i am also sorry i stole your game. it's all repaid now, let's just call it even.)
