Radio Transcript

Featured relevant characters:

Obvious exit:

Origin: I have no idea how this one is supposed to be found, I just stumbled into the link in a github update. It's not in the file server with the other Transcripts, which is strange.




I-R1: Oh, there they are! Hello, stranger!

SUBJECT-2: Pardner.

[SUBJECT-2 pulls at the seat-belt in their hand. The body at the end of its rope dangles as it's pulled up, higher and higher, until it nestles itself in the gallery of corpses.

SUBJECT-2' s eyes trail back to I-R1.]

SUBJECT-2: Well, if you ain't a strange sight. What's a beast like you doin' all the way down here?

I-R1: Well, I'm here because I have to ask you questions!

SUBJECT-2: ...

SUBJECT-2: Questions, huh?

I-R1: Yes, exactly! We wish to ask you questions! Or, uh, at least they told me to ask you questions. I've been told to introduce myself! I'm Yo-

SUBJECT-2: I don't need your name.

I-R1: -ah?

SUBJECT-2: Don't mind me profilin' but... look at yourself for a moment, will you? You ain't exactly average lookin', even for the usual. S' a bad disguise.

I-R1: Oh! You can see with those bandages? I did not think that was, ah, 'feasible'! I wonder how...

[SUBJECT-2 moves to stand in front of I-R1. The two look each other over, chest to chest- despite I-R1 being half a head taller, SUBJECT-2 bumps their chest against his.

I-R1's hand flies to their face before they can even react. SUBJECT-2 falls back an inch, gripping at their nose.]

SUBJECT-02: Argh, you fucking-!!

[I-R1 runs towards SUBJECT-02, all his features spelling worry.]

I-R1: Oh! Oh no! I am so sorry, I didn't think- are you okay?

SUBJECT-02: Whaddya think, asshole? [in pain] Grgh...

I-R1: I- I'm sorry! Does it hurt? It's just a bone, right? You can set bones back... I could set it-

SUBJECT-02: Ain't no chance in hell you're putting your hands over my nose! Back off a damn second...

I-R1: Oh! Okay. I can do that.

[I-R1 takes two to three steps back, then sits on the floor, awaiting further instruction.]

SUBJECT-02: A'ight, good. You can listen. I like that. Now... what the hell did that captain send over this time?...

[a beat.]

SUBJECT-02: Nah, y're too solid to be one of hers. Who are you?

I-R1: I was trying to tell you. I thought you didn't want to know?

SUBJECT-02: That was before you broke my damn nose! Come on, get to speakin'.

I-R1: I'm Yongki! And I have a friend, people call him Captain! I don't think he's a girl, though. He could be! I'll ask him later.

SUBJECT-02: Uh-huh. I don't think mine and yours are acquainted. But that means...

[a flash of recognition hits SUBJECT-02's voice, beyond their eyes: the slightest little 'ah', underneath their breath.]

SUBJECT-2: You're from up there, ain't cha?

I-R1: I've been trying to tell you! Yes! We are both from upstairs!

SUBJECT-2: I see. I'll be dammed, those chicks were onto somethin' after all.

[SUBJECT-2 sighs, taking a long drag from their cigarette.]

SUBJECT-2: That can't be good, can it?

I-R1: I believe you are having what's called a 'monologue'? I can't leave, though. I still have to ask you the questions.

SUBJECT-2: No, I don't believe we will be havin' no questions.

I-R1: But... I have to?

SUBJECT-2: And what are y'gonna do if I don't answer?

[I-R1's face falls somewhat at the thought.]

I-R1: I'm... Not sure. I think I will ask Captain to help. He knows a lot more things.

SUBJECT-2: Yeah. I think I agree. Let's see this 'captain' of yours.

I-R1: Okay.

[I-R1 shrugs as he fishes out a pocket mirror. SUBJECT-2 watches with a curious eye as I-R1 looks into it. His eyes go blank for a moment before they come back with sharp focus. He rises up back on his feet.]

I-R1B: You've a lot of nerve to talk to him like that, so-

SUBJECT-2: ███████ ██ ██████████.

I-R1B: -excuse me?

SUBJECT-2: ███████ ██ ██████████. What you're tied to.

I-R1B: ...

I-R1B: Yes. Highly probable that this is the case.

SUBJECT-2: That ain't no highly probable, friend. Had a friend like that, once. That thing got real popular in the end stretch.

I-R1B: It was a powerful tool, son. Don't be surprised it was used like one.

SUBJECT-2: Usin' tools, sure. But look where that got us, huh?

[A beat]

SUBJECT-2: [Sigh] I was chokin' there to see if you were some sort of fusion thing too, instead of one of those... slimy whohasits, or somethin' else. Though... That last one ain't out of the picture yet.

I-R1B: We're people, son. At least-

SUBJECT-2: You have some fuckin' balls calling me son, son.

I-R1B: It's-

[A flash of indignation passes through I-R1B's features. It is not long before embarrassment takes its place.]

I-R1B: --it's not gendered.

SUBJECT-2: Sure, it ain't. Let's get to the point, though.

[SUBJECT-2 steps closer.]

SUBJECT-2: I don't care what kind of charitable what-how that circus crew got you on, but it ain't happenin'. I didn't ask for any damn handouts, and I ain't askin' for them now- so go fetch, friend. I'm workin' here if you can't damn tell.

I-R1B: We've come here in peace. We need to know more about you.

SUBJECT-2: I ain't asked for no fuckin' peace.

I-R1B: It doesn't matter. This information is crucial.

SUBJECT-2: I'll tell you what information is crucial! I don't care who you are, I didn't stay here to have to talk to some fuckin' goon!

[I-R1B grips SUBJECT-2's arm with surprising tact for someone his size, yet his arm wavers even in this. His face contorts in concentration. A single nerve and their arm would be gone.]

I-R1B: Get some sense into yourself, son. There is no ██████████. It's all gone. If you don't manage to-


[I-R1B's grip tightens rather than loosens. A sickening crunch presses down on SUBJECT-2's arm as the bone below shatters in his grasp. He lets go just a moment too late, and SUBJECT-2 falls prone.

Their eye are agape as they grip for their arm, and yet, their gaze is distant. They shake from their injuries as they listen in to the origin of the voice: a transmitter on their chest.]

I-R1B: Fuck. Are you-




I-R1B: S- soldier, pay attention. You're bleeding. You need medical attention.

SUBJECT-2: Stupid fucking robot...

[SUBJECT-2 stands up. Their bleeding arm appears to hinder them none- instead it elongates, their hands beginning to form claws.]

SUBJECT-2: Creature devoid o' judgment... I'll... I'll show you some fuckin' judgment...


I-R1B: [stepping back, as they speak onto the camera] We have to retreat. Subject is unstable. Aborting operation.

SUBJECT-2: Come get your fucking judgment!

[Their mouth clenches the cigarette in their mouth between their teeth. The camera feed fills with smoke.

The sound of ringing metal pierces the camera, and the feed is cut.]



I-R1 managed to successfully escape the subject's containment area, although I-R1B appeared to have sustained "extreme conceptual damage". I-R1B recollected having 'grown saws for hands' before being knocked out by the incoming ████████████. It appears I-R1B's half-existence as a soul in a body made this specific encounter much more dangerous.

SUBJECT-2 appeared, furthermore, to have turned into some sort of long, bird-like creature, not unlike T-R2 and T-R4. Whether this is related remains to be seen.


It appears that this newest subject is digesting some sort of traumatic experience inside this room... As the previous one did, honestly. However, most curiously are the incomprehensible but shrill frequencies that appear to order it to 'contain', regardless of whether or not its assessment is actually true. If this is so, then interacting with this subject will prove dangerous- if we can even get them in friendly terms.

Normally, I'd be more pessimistic about how this could end. Alas, it appears this team's strongest muscle is its ability to form interpersonal connections. I will restrain my own judgment on the possible results until more data is available.

Until then, I'd like to make it clear beyond a reasonable doubt that if Camille suggests sending Yongki to another one of these expeditions, I'll kill her myself.

At least he enjoyed it. Somehow.
