Parker Lot Lost

Featured relevant characters:

Obvious exit:

Origin: The link to this one can be found in the EastEast rabbithole, if you submit a "?" (questionmark).

The Watcher's note: The greeting text is "Click To Give Report".
There is a note in the code: " //i wrote this one and IC edited (normally ic writes) ".
Most of the pages listed here have background music from the "Mall Music Muzak, Mall of 1974" album. On this page the music that's playing is called "Parking Lot Lost". I just really like this pun.




Hey Vik. I know you asked me to write you a summary of what I found but I'm not too good at those anymore. I did still want to write something though. So I wrote a bunch of questions (you can read those like if they were you) and then I wrote a bunch of answers (those are me obviously). I think imagining little chibis of us like they do in some Hetalia episodes or in Himouto! Umaru-chan would really enhance this reading experience but I'm too tired to draw. So just imagine a cute little chibi of you and then a chibi of me. Okay. So these are the questions I thought up.

What's the infinite parking lot? (and how can you access it)

The infinite parking lot is an area of the mall you can access through a service elevator in the dead square of the mall. They remove the button that takes you to that floor but there's like seven mall floors before you get to the parking lot. You can climb down through the hatch or rig the elevator to go low. Or kill the power. But that might kill you and then you won't be able to get out.

What does it look like?

It looks like a parking lot. It's kind of unfinished and there's a single light fixture from where you came from. The rest is complete darkness. There are some cars but that's it. One of them works. You can go down the parking lot with it or walk down.

Is the infinite parking lot infinite?

No. The infinite parking lot is not infinite. That'd be too easy. Would feel great to say that it just goes on forever right? To chalk it off to it just being unfathomably large. Well life isn't sunshine and rainbows. I KNOW the parking lot has boundaries. It ends SOMEWHERE. And I think that's worse. The idea that even the infinite has a hard limit. That there are bounds even the magical can't cross. That there is an end and it's getting closer.

Is there anything living down there?

Just three randos from the corporation. I knew they were there for a long time. Waiting. Only saw one of them though and I think they were just downright busy.

Can you die in the infinite parking lot?

Yes. To add insult to injury Death is the only way to get out of the infinite parking lot. Wander deep enough and die and you'll spawn right at the top. Shoot yourself at the front door and you'll find your body in front of you. This place is weird. Kind of like the maze but worse. More permanent.

How many floors are there?

I counted one hundred and one so far. Died at the end there and I KNOW it goes deeper.

Can you skip floors?

No. The only way is up or down.

What's on the floors?

Nothing. Most of them are the fucking same. Three of them aren't the same and I think that's where the other three live but I have no evidence and maybe they're just weird floors. Either way here's a bit about them:

MUSIC ROOM - This room was like basically every other room but there were cars and they were all blasting the same piano or trumpet from their radios. It was either or but never both.

Something happens when you hear the music. I didn't stay to find out the first time because I could feel myself changing but I did go back with a body and check. With the piano the person got younger and younger until they froze at a certain age or stopped existing. With the trumpet they got older and older and suddenly transformed into a spiral of meat. Noted this is what happens to NORMAL people who listen to it so I don't know if that's normal for you. I'm not going to be trying it out soon anyway. It wasn't even an anime opening cover. I wanted out as fast as possible. Didn't see anyone here even though there probably was but I don't give a shit.

NOOSE ROOM - There was a floor that was upside down when you looked up there were just thousands of people hanging from the seat belts in their cars. They all had tags on them and they didn't say anything. I'm pretty sure they were all still alive. Maybe some weren't.

This room has one of them in it and it's not done them any favors. Call them the executor. They went around the room with a ladder to check how tight the noose was and they checked if they had to loosen it or make it even tighter. For the whole 'judgment' vibes the fellow didn't seem interested in hanging me and I've done a LOT of crime. They just saw me there and went back to tightening the noose around that corpse. I don't know what they're doing. Giving the bodies discipline? Cool I guess.

PEOPLE ROOM - This floor was where I got stuck. It's impossibly huge and the pillars are made of people. Our people. All locking hands. I think I saw Tim there. I don't know if there was even solid ground at the bottom of it. It felt like it just went on forever. The only way to go down was to grip onto their free hands. They were sticky and gooey the more I went on. At one point they became solid goo and all melted together into a sea of it. That's when I died.

I don't know if ANYONE lives here but frankly I don't even WANT to know. As far as I know this is the last floor and if anyone wants to take me up on that they can go down there themselves.

Seriously who are those people?

Again no idea. Randos? I KNOW they are from where we came from but I cannot tell you I brought those.

Could you get them out?

If I could find them yes. I don't know what it is about that parking lot but they never go up or down. They always stay in the same spot. Except that last one. I think that one might be EATING the floors.

I also think pulling any of those things up is a good idea but that's because I don't know why they act like that.

I think this was really well thought out.

Thank you („ • v •„)

Actually no I wouldn't say that I haven't read it yet. It's rude to put words in my mouth. I'm not supposed to do that. So I'm going to have a completely unbiased opinion until I read it and then I will tell you.

Okay. You want to play something later?

________________ (I'm leaving you a space so you can reply when you get to this) (you're welcome)

Okay. That's everything. I hope this helps. I love you. Take care. Etc etc etc