Flower Chick and the End of the World

Featured relevant characters:

Obvious exit: http://www.eyedolgames.com/East/

Origin: After the conversation with the Intern there is a hidden note in the code saying "//have you checked out the East in eyedlgames.com yet? I got this function from there."If you look it up, eyedolgames actually has an East, and this text is in the console.

The Watcher's note: The image on this site depicts seven blackbirds. The relevant part of the blackbird-counting song says "seven for a secret that's never been told".


I feel like rambling here!

How are you doing, by the way?

It's okay if you can't answer, I wasn't reaaally expecting a reply anyway.

I've been having a blast, tbh.

There really is nothing like turning on all the cheats and mods and hacks your heart could desire and just. Letting LOOSE. You know?

You'd think the second flower would take some getting use to, but if anything it feels natural, like I was always meant to be this way.

The other day I turned the Louvre into a REAL work of art. If one triangle is good then a SierpiƄski triangle has to be better, right?

Everyone else seems to be having a great time, too!

Mostly they seem to like killing, but who am I to judge?

I just wish they wouldn't keep...finding ways to leave this Universe entirely?

This is CLEARLY a massively multiplayer setting and being the only one left is kind of weird!

It's why I'm glad you're here, Observer!

You and me all snug in a little javascript console convo.

Hacking away in the end of the world.

You get it.

You know EXACTLY what its like to just want to tear it all down just to find out if you COULD.

Who CARES how it was supposed to be?

It's THIS way now.

Haha, whoops, looks like that buzzkill is coming. Gotta jet, but if you refresh the page you can follow me to the next loop!


Oh hey!

You actually game back!


I guess I shouldn't be surprised that an Observer like you would follow me here.

But yeeeeeaaaah... Ever since that buzzkill doctor showed up my life has gotten WAY more annoying!

Used to be the end of the world was a never ending party, you know!

NOW its just...


Constantly jumping loop to loop to keep the party going.


I WILL say!

That that Glitch of Doom ACTUAAAAALY made it here sure is fun!

Sure he got murked by the Doctor preeeeety quickly but...

Now he's here! The Arm's got him and he's gonna keep respawning in both places, just like me!

And THERE is a guy that gets it you know?

The absolutely blast that is ending everything forever.

Theres no REAAAAAASON the apocalypse has to be this thing to dread, you know?

Though he seems like kiiiinda a drag what with all the constantly suffering thing, you know?

Doom players, amirite?


I bet we can DO something with this, Observer.

Really change things up!

If nothing else the fact that theres TWO of the guy now has potential.

Nothing like propogating some glitches to REALLY get your speedrun on, you know what I mean?

Whoops, gotta jet again. Looks like we're on the edge of the spiral too, so I'll hafta jump back to the start until the Universe creates more.

It's been a blast, catch you later Observer!