Eye Killer Report

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Obvious exit: http://farragofiction.com/ZampanioHotlink/L-C-002_but_scanned_because_i_could.pdf

Origin: This document was found in the West by Peewee when he had to defend the Eye Killer in the court.

The Watcher's note: This was written by the training team, mostly likely by Camille.


"The Eye Killer", L-C-002


L-C-002 is a humanoid fgure approximately 152.4 centimeters in height. The anomaly appears to be composed of a black shroud, which is impenetrable by light by any known means. Upon contact, it gives the sensation of thick smog; if handled delicately, it is dense enough to touch without penetrating its surface.

L-C-002 wears a fedora and a long, ill-fitting trench coat, both heavily worn. They are not able to be cleaned or further soiled, remaining consistently a dirty brown (APPROXIMATED TO CMYK [0%, 10%, 25%, 69%]) . A bright violet light shines where its right eye would be.

The consistency of L-C-002 has been observed to change according to the era in which it is being interacted in. Reports of L-C-002 show that its obscured form changes in size and approximated silhouette based on the date in which it is being observed. There is no currently understood explanation for this, but the hypothesis stands that it may represent any non-Anomalies going by its title at the time.

When disguised, L-C-002 takes the visage of a caucasian female of the same size. It is missing its lef eye, while its right eye has a violet iris. While capable of removing its trench coat, it seldom does so; it appears that it uses this clothing to transform from one form to the other.


L-C-002 is capable of generating vents where it believes it to be appropriate. Afer thorough research, it can be ascertained the range of illuminance needed for the creation of one is between 2 to 15 footcandles.

The created structure is a standard HVAC ventilation system, featuring a 20x30 in. white vent cover. Once L-C-002 enters it, the anomaly will navigate freely through the interspatial air ducts until it arrives at the nearest available exit. If the location does not have any existing vents, it will create an endpoint at an aleatory location within 100 yards in any cardinal direction. Once L-C-002 is satisfed with its current location, the vent system ceases to exist.

The anomaly proved to be exceptionally fast when navigating vents, both its own and pre-existing ones. Upon measurement, L-C-002 achieved a top speed of 22 m/s, and its speed did not decrease when turning corners or traveling vertically.

L-C-002 is in possession of an Object, classifed in this article as L-C-002-01. L-C-002-01 is a rusted out medical razor with a dull tip. It cannot be sharpened by any means. Upon use, L-C-002-01 may make a cut that is unnoticeable by the victim, regardless of severity. Once the victim perishes, the victim appears to vanish. It is currently unknown how it is possible to identify that a victim has vanished afer the efect has taken place, or where their body goes. The one thing that can be ascertained is that the body does not sufer from decomposition during the time it is vanished.

The potential secondary efect of L-C-002-01 is hard to discern with the currently available data. Once the weapon is used, L-C-002 seems to be compelled to heal the subject's wounds through any means available to it. It is currently unknown whether the medical prowess the Anomaly appears to possess is innate, or a product of L-C-002-01. A researcher capable of arranging an interrogation is needed.

L-C-002 appears to have some innate understanding of how L-C-002-01 functions, but no way to reliably predict its results.


Research on L-C-002 shows it is the conceptual core of the serial killer of the same name. Previously known as ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼ ◼◼◼◼◼◼, the young murderer took the lives of 49 victims over the course of ◼◼◼◼ years, systematically creating 'living art pieces' out of their corpses, all referring to an indie video game known as 'Zampanio'. The killer was then caught and apprehended by S-W-11 in ◼◼◼◼, afer being found in a cabin located in ◼◼◼◼ ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼ ◼◼◼

◼◼◼◼ ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼ ◼◼◼◼, alongside L-C-009 and R-16, who it had been keeping hostage. Afer being put to trial, it was found "Not Guilty." Its defendant was identifed as L-F-001.

However, this initial identity appears to have sufered erosion. The existence of R-16 indicates that L-C-002 is not native, as can be noted with other Category L anomalies that possess Category R counterparts. Furthermore, there is enough statistical data to show that thorough, lengthy, and unnecessary Repression of R-16 creates a second Eye Killer that carries none of the previously noted abilities or physiology. Therefore, L-C-002 does not represent the concept of the murderer, but the knowledge and perception society has garnered on the murderer. This includes anecdotal evidence, notes taken by the authorities, information told through media outlets, children's tall tales, direct references in fctional media, and other similarly related information.

In its native environment, L-C-002 always murders the same 49 victims. If one of these happens to die by any other circumstances, the anomaly will skip them, and move on to the next one.

Contrary to R-16, other Non-Anomalies are capable of becoming L-C-002 under the right circumstances. A Resident is capable of turning into L-C-002-02 under the following criteria:

  1. The subject is being considered 'The Eye Killer' by the authorities or press;
  2. The subject has imitated the murder methods of L-C-002 ;
  3. The subject has killed at least three victims.

Those sufering from its metamorphosis show the following symptoms:

  1. Sudden inability or unwillingness to speak, aside from guttural growls and snarls;
  2. Loss of Fortitude, becoming unable to stand large crowds and open spaces;
  3. Discoloration of their irises into violet;
  4. Heliophobia, causing them to stop wandering during the day;
  5. Skin changing into a smoky shroud.

Once the Resident matches all of these symptoms, they appear to vanish within 14-25 days. If they are caught before the vanishment can take place, the symptoms all mysteriously reverse, with the subject having no recollection of approximately the last two months.


According to several reports, L-C-002's behavior has become less erratic across the loops; this can be attributed to the anomaly achieving a symbiotic relationship with non-Anomalies afliating under Cosa Nostra.

L-C-002 is selectively mute, and does not speak under most circumstances. It instead uses a varied selection of body language, gestures, primal growls and snarls, and recently, American Sign Language, to communicate with those around it. The anomaly has been recorded to speak near its Category-R handlers, with sentences as long as six words.

Perhaps L-C-002's most notorious communication tool is a Vintage ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼ ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼ Tape Player/Recorder, manufactured in 1981. The anomaly spends a non-trivial amount of time stitching a selection of recordings together with phrases that it might be able to use. Common origins for the recordings are television shows, language learning exercises, and radio/television adverts from the time. However, with the changes induced in recent loops, it may ofen only use this tool on those it is attempting to threaten or scare.

The anomaly overwhelmingly prefers small, enclosed spaces, preferring to sleep in its own ventilation systems, although bunk beds are sometimes seen as acceptable. It is hard to tell if the anomaly actually needs to eat and sleep, or if it does these activities as a form of enrichment.

When it is not hunting or threatened, L-C-002 is fairly docile. It appears to show interest in several Residential activities, such as television and radio, to which it dedicates on-and-of attention during the day. It appears to have no preference for what it watches, although it may react diferently depending on the subject matter: when exposed to a documentary about the infamous serial killer Charles Manson, L-C-002 fabricated a vent and refused to exit it for a total of 12 hours.


The interspatial trajectory of L-C-002 is not to be interfered with by any researcher or entity, except in the case of a Breach, as the Anomaly follows very deliberate migration patterns; the disruption of these patterns may create unstable and unpredictable behavior in L-C-002, which may pose a danger to those near it, and, in a worst case scenario, cause it to Breach.

In the case of an early termination of R-014 and R-015, a researcher may have permission to take responsibility for entertaining L-C-002 through Physiological and Safety work. Enrichment activities that L-C-002 responds positively to are:

  1. Selection and elimination of 'targets';
  2. Food: in particular, eggs;
  3. Preparation of a 'safety zone' for the Anomaly to reside in, which must have exactly one exit, accounting for vents, windows, and doors.

Afer L-C-002 has accepted the command of the researcher, L-C-002 is to be led back into the Maze at the end of the Loop. Researcher interaction is to cease immediately afer, to allow the anomaly to return to its standard pattern.


In the case L-C-002 is to Breach in its native form, an entity or researcher is to make contact with R-014 and R-015 if they are currently available in the timeline. If it is not possible to contact them for any reason, the researcher is to attempt to relax L-C-002 at all costs. Dispensing an egg will calm down L-C-002 in most cases. If L-C-002 proves unresponsive to any of its usual enrichment techniques, a researcher may deploy L-C-009 to distract the Anomaly until it becomes non-aggressive. The researcher is only allowed to Terminate L-C-002 in this state as a last resort, as Termination of this Anomaly may cause adverse efects in the following timeline, as well as causing L-C-002 to breach again if it believes that a timeline has gone 'unfnished'. In case of termination, the researcher may track down the 49 victims themselves, or if need be, in the case the timeline does not play out normally, instigate Repression work against R-016 until it is capable of performing the work itself, closing out the timeline.

If L-C-002 breaches while it is in T-Form, the anomaly is to be Terminated immediately, as its continued erratic behavior may cause the apocalypse to accelerate in turn.



L-C-002 has started to respond to repeated feeding interactions in kind: upon having been given a selection of three whole avian eggs, the Anomaly came back with a live chicken. Upon ofering the same amount of eggs, but cooked and seasoned, it delivered back a gagged and bound pedestrian within an inch of its life. It appears the anomaly, much like a researcher, attempts to best ascertain the instinctual preferences of individuals and responds accordingly, depending on the value of what has been given. The anomaly does not respond to non-egg items when traded.

It is to be noted that the value of a human life can then be estimated to be around three sunny-side up eggs (cooked in butter and seasoned with salt and pepper).


According to information acquired from R-014 and R-015, L-C-002 is somehow 'under contract' to them, as dictated in a legally-binding document signed on ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼. The document confrms that both residents are under protection of the Anomaly, as long as they are to give it enrichment and safety. It is highly probable that the document has been in efect for several timelines now.


Expanded the document detailing the egg-to-reward ratio to include several other types of eggs. It now includes eggs with other ingredients (eggs with toast), eggs in non-identifable shapes (omelets and frittatas), as well as other ways to cook eggs. Sof-scrambled eggs now rate as lowest value for bartering (the trade for sof-scrambled eggs is merely three rabbits), whereas the highest-value trade appears to be over-medium, salted and spiced appropriately. Two over-medium eggs appear to be of the same value as three sunny-side-up eggs. Furthermore, any more than three over-medium eggs appears to make the anomaly somewhat nervous; it seems that it does not know how to react to the value ofered, and therefore does not accept it.


L-C-002 has started accepting non-egg-shaped items; when traded a cooked item that was not an egg, the Anomaly seemed to react positively, emitting a low purr. The researcher believes that the Anomaly has acquired a crude level of trust, and has become less reticent to accepting foreign objects from the researcher. Further reinforcement of this behavior should not be encouraged, regardless of the researcher's feelings on the matter.


L-C-002 appears to have a more complex relationship with L-C-009 than previously thought: L-C-002 is more likely to interact with it than other anomalies, and is also more willing to include it in its enrichment activities. More interestingly, though, L-C-009 is capable of deterring the Anomaly from engaging in near-breaching behavior by being on line of sight alone. The Breach section has been updated to refect this development.