Dehydration Sim

Featured relevant characters:

Obvious exit:

Origin: I think this one is only referred on youtube, in this video:

The Watcher's note: This sim consists of two parts. The first is procedurally generated and it simulates Parker dealing with dehydration in the underground tunnels, the second part can be found if you reach the bottom of the page and hydrate Parker. The video shows Parker reacting to jr livestreaming this minisim.


Dehydration thoughts base code

what au where...where ${pickFrom(blorbos)} could ${miracle}....

what au where...where ${pickFrom(blorbos)} saw ${effects}....

i don't like that ${monster_desc}... chases ${pickFrom(blorbos)} ...need a little...little coffee shop au. nice and. nice and chill...

Why did wanda make a place where ${loc_desc} bullshit. worst space player. greedy space player. greedy wanda. bad wanda. bad. au where...where ${pickFrom(blorbos)} ${generalbackstory}....

i could au where... ${pickFrom(blorbos)} ${childbackstory} a kid

what au where...where ${pickFrom(blorbos)} trained as a ${person}...

... ${object}.... heh

... ${location}.... heh

... ${philosophy}.... heh

... ${smell}.... heh

... ${taste}.... heh

... ${feeling}.... heh

... ${sound}.... heh

Don't think about red and wet earth. Think about ${object} instead.


Hatsune Miku and Digging Thoughts

Hatsune Miku is a really good Vocaloid and you should buy her.

Black Rock Shooter is not canon to Hatsune Miku.

There is respite beneath the earth. Beneath the earth. The arms of its clock will reach us. I must keep digging. Keep digging. The third trumpet will set me free.

Digging and digging and digging and digging and digging.

If I stop moving I'm trapped. Have to keep digging and digging and digging.

There is respite beneath the earth. The third trumpet will set me free.

If I dig and dig and dig and dig I can leave I can be free I can go I can dig and dig and dig and dig.

Hatsune.... Hatsune...

Miku-chan.... Miku...

Hatsune.... Hatsune...

Miku-chan.... Miku...

Hatsune.... Hatsune...

Miku-chan.... Miku...

There is respite in the dirt and earth and dust and gravel and if I dig and dig and dig and dig I can finally rest.

Where are they?

Blorbos... gotta...gotta watch the blorbos.

Can't touch the blorbos. Can't touch. Ruin them. Dust. Everything I touch turns to dust.

Earth wet and red and its clay its clay its clay. Don't think about red and wet dirt.

It's okay it's okay its okay it's okay


Unwanted Clarity

The hydration brings clarity.

Unwanted clarity.

He much prefers to sink down and down into the delirium. 

Into forgetting. 

But Bestie is right, of course. 

Hatsune Miku would be sad if he let his body deteriorate below mortal limits....

But more importantly, so would Bestie. 

Before... before it felt like maybe only Hatsune Miku could forgive what he'd done. 

Her plastic smile and empty cheer could forgive anything. 

Bestie though... Bestie is just so supportive.

Bestie knows that drinking water and eating real food and sleeping for hours at a time won't undo what he's done. What's.... What's been done TO him.

But it's better than how it feels to NOT do those things. 

He'd been so certain no one could... 


He didn't think it was allowed. That no one would ALLOW him to take care of his body when his past was so...


Bad wasn't the right word. 

Of course it wasn't. 

It was such a small word. 

Crushed under the weight of so much gravel and dirt and dust and...

That's what was so great about Bestie. About Vik. They got it. That sometimes...

Things were too big. Too scary. To look at. 

Maybe processing trauma would be helpful. Rip the bandaid off! Walk it off!

He's sure Vik's former Captain would have said so. 


He can't. 

Any time he tries he just. 

It's not.

It's not time.

So he drinks the water and eats the food and sleeps a bit and it's honestly better.

It's honestly SO much better.

He feels more in control. More... HIM. 

And not just a pile of misery and watching.

Sometimes he even lets himself almost think about it. About the feeling of Gun-Tan in his hands as...


Everything changed.

And it's okay if that's as deep as he wants to go into that hole right now.

There's no rush. 


Parker's Comments from the Video

Video description: we're so bad at remembering the blorbos bdays. 12/12 was parker, December 30th upcoming is camilles (almost the very end of the year)
anyways figured since he is a youtube native i'd put his bday gift here

Dehydrated Idiot's Room
4 watching

parkerLotLost: :/
parkerLotLost: fine
parkerLotLost: i get it
parkerLotLost: i act ridiculous when i am dehydrated
parkerLotLost: did i really need to get zampanio-ed to learn that
parkerLotLost: bluuuuh
parkerLotLost: at least i can see miku-chan ^_^
parkerLotLost: actually
parkerLotLost: hold on
parkerLotLost: uh
parkerLotLost: man
parkerLotLost: okay
parkerLotLost: point taken
parkerLotLost: hydration is weird
parkerLotLost: when im out of it
parkerLotLost: wait no
parkerLotLost: okay this makes more sense
parkerLotLost: jr is doing this
parkerLotLost: hi jr
parkerLotLost: i'll just let you do your thing