The Closer about BB

Featured relevant characters:

Obvious exit:

Origin: If you submit "ARE YOU" to the ouija board, it will display this.

The Watcher's note: I'm not sure if this belongs here, this is one of the ouija secrets, and I definitely want to collect them into one place, but you know, it's better to have things archived twice than losing them.


Well. I suppose here is as good a place as any to store my notes.

NAM has approached me, seeking a favor. After coming to quite agreeable terms, I am left with a task that has me equal parts inspired and hesitant.

I am to train one "ButlerBot", an associate of NAM. As I already have experience mentoring those of the robotic persuasion, this should prove quite the natural task for me.

However, it appears that my ability to choose employees remains flawless: Ronin has quite the knack for picking up the art of the sale, while this ButlerBot remains impassive in the face of my teaching.

I find myself at a loss for how to approach him. It appears that up until now he has been paid for his considerable services as a go-between in... scrip. Rather than being used for any rational act of buying and selling, these "ButlerBux" appear to be exclusively for behaving unprofessionally towards customers.

To say nothing of his complete apathy towards actual hard currency.

I am even given to understand that he went on... strike at one point.

My work will be...

Cut out for me. Shall we say.

So many bad habits that must be trained out of him.

I am almost willing to take the loss in reputation that would result in going back on a contract.

However, this challenge will, perhaps, be just the thing I need to find a purpose this loop.

Keeping ButlerBot functional will require constant bartering with my former boss, the CE'Bro'of Eyedol Games, as well as Peewee himself should the rumor that he no longer requires GFuel be unfounded.

After all, ButlerBot is the Nameless God. And a God can not exist in our Universe without help. Much less one so utterly ignored by his intended devotees.

I think I shall give Peewee a call.

He owes me at least one more favor, after all.