You follow the path and you feel the space twisting.

You find yourself at the entrance of a poorly constructed maze.

This... This place doesn't feel right. You are already in there. The whole maze shouldn't fit into a single room of itself. It's sickening and makes your head hurt.

But if the worst thing that will happen here to you is to slide down a few levels of recursion, you can take that.

You find one gopher gold! (You can't take it, it's under a small glass dome with some description text next to it.)

You also find a hydration station. You don't trust these anymore. They are always sealed or have corrupted water or have a potroast stuffed into them. But this one seems fine. It even has a step by step manual on how to operate it. The water is stale and old and has a little algae inside, but otherwise it's fine. You use this unique opportunity to finally drink.

Fun fact: the Gopher protocol predates the internet.

You are probably familiar with this one, given where we are. But I can't say it for hundred percent that you haven't materialized out of thin air just a few seconds ago in the middle of my room. In that case, be prepared of being lost here for, well, a relatively long time. If you need help, I can present to you my map. I know how it looks like, but it's helpful if you figure out how to use it. It's not entirely my own work, it was built upon the maps of the Creeper and the Hær@ld.

You can find pretty terrifying things, but at least you can't die there, and it's full of secrets worth for exploration.

I would say to be careful,but it doesn't really matter.

There is a giant map covering a big chunk of the wall. Next to it there is a little heap of leaflets with the map printed on them. You decide to take one.

There are several versions of this map, given that the maze grows and changes regularly. I don't take responsibility for it's accuracy, I can only say that at one point it was accurate.

Two flyers catch your eye. As you take them up, you notice two more entrances to the very same maze, but they are somehow different from the one before.

Have you ever dreamed about experiencing the Maze as a text-based adventure game? We have good news! Thanks to the work of the Guide of Hunted and Hunters, we present you the

Gopher Hole Simulacrum!

Are you a fan of Choose Your Own adventure books? Did you feel that gaping hole in your life caused by the fact that you can't access the Maze in a form of one? Fear no more! Then the Guide of Hunted and Hunters'

Gopher Hole CYOA

is just for you!

Or if you are tired of being lost forever, and you want to make sure you experienced everything, you can simply ignore the all intended ways and traverse it from start to end, nobody will stop you!

Obvious exit:

And there is a different one too. It's the perfect reflection of the Gopher Maze:

>NORTH (Bellor)


>SOUTH (South)
