
was nothing coming from inside?
Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Zampanio, ZampanioSim, Sburbsim - Fandom, Homestuck, Farragnarok
ButlerBot, YNBot, The Wanderer - Character, Wanda, Robots - Character, Spoilers for Gopher - Character, Spoilers for LOMAT
Published: 2021-11-09 Words: 550 Chapters: 1/1

was nothing coming from inside?


At the edges of the endless Maze, the Wanderer finds an unlikely duo.

was nothing coming from inside?

You step into the icy room, stretching impossibly in all directions., are those...BRANCHES?  Branches of a massive, world cradling tree pierce through the ice and snow.  Somehow the snow and ice feels...false? Somehow? They are cool to the touch but not really COLD.


There is a haphazard snow man in the center of room, and two robots are huddled near it, both hunched over laptops.  The better dressed of the two flicks his eyes up to you, then resumes focusing on his computer.


"What is going on here?" you ask.


The fancily dressed robot stands up and strides towards you, hand outstretched.  You shake it automatically, wondering briefly if its some leftover impulse from a previous life. 


" this is a mechanism by which multiple Observers can communicate with me, when they are not directed my actions on the Land of Mists and Trails". he says, smoothly, in a voice exactly how you would expect a robot to sound. Where have you heard it before?


"Oh. Uh. What's an Observer?"


"an Observer is one who Observes, Wanderer." he says, with just the slightest hint that he thinks you're stupid. Nothing you could really point out and not feel like a dick, though. 


" you know who I am?"


"a butler is a class who functions to serve their aspect, in every meaning of the word" he says, somehow managing to make a robotic accent sound smarmy. 


"Class? Aspect?" where have you heard those terms before...


"because I am a Butler of Void, I can tell you about things not directly related to...whatever it is things relate to", with that,  he leans forward with an air of secrecy. Despite positioning his mouth directly over your ear he apparently has no ability to moderate his loudness quotient. "sometimes I see a mysterious Witch in the Void with me". That is *entirely* too loud to be heard so closely. 


The more scruffily dressed robot snorts out laughter near the snowman but doesn't otherwise acknowledge you. 


You back up a bit, waiting for the ringing in your ears to fade. 


"Is THIS the void? Are we in the void now?"


The Butler of Void blinks at you. 


"of course" he says "what could be more irrelevant than this"  his eyes narrow "what could be more irrelevant than who you currently are?"


You swallow, mouth suddenly too dry and too wet all at once. You're scared. But you're also salivating. 


"Who am I?"


The Butler seems disappointed in you, almost.  "you are currently lost, wandering the void". He pulls back, and almost to himself, says "but you are not of the Void, Wanderer"  he looks up at you, making sure you're paying attention. "you're the opposite, you just don't know it yet"


An alarm rings out from his laptop.


"Alright, break time is over. The Butler is in." he says, suddenly a lot more professional.  He returns to his laptop and you hear faint music streaming out from it as he leans in to a mic and says "JR Says: Remember this: The End Is Never The End."


You feel ice in your veins, colder than this false snow could ever be. 

"You-you're the Radio DJ?" you stammer out. 

You get no response. 


You're irrelevant even to the irrelevant now.



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