1848: Construction of the Washington monument begins
1889: First appearance of the Washington Wraith, at the base of the Washington monument.
1900: Wraith reappears alongside a tall woman in a black coat
1902: Foundation of the Omnias Network
1912-1972: Wraith is sighted a farther 15 times. 12 sightings also include the woman with the black coat
1945: The Trinity test
1972: [CENSORED]
1972-1979: Eye Killer murders 49
1976: James Dean is elected president with Rafael Owens, Jr as vice president
1977: Department of Containment is established
1979: Containment of the Black Forest
1980: The Reelection of James Dean.
1983: Foundation of the Space Force
1983: TC is born
1984: The Incorporation of Omnias Network
1989: Operation THUNDERBIRD. the Idol is Contained
1990: First Sighting of the Faceless
1994: The Ohio Act
1999: TC gets his first journalism job editing his high school news paper
2003: The Air Force One Incident
2005: TC leaks the Omnias papers