Maximin was lying on the baggage claim, going round and round. It seemed like these carousels were not actually functional and only served to move a predetermined number of generated bags. A very interesting observation, thought Maximin, as he rounded a bend in the carousel. As he continued to go around and around, he noticed two figures in the distance getting closer little by little.
"Yuri? Heisenberg!?"
"Are you okay?" Yuri asked.
"Never been better," Maximin's face settles into a strange smile, his eyes glinting as they look up at Yuri.
"Are you sure?" Heisenberg comes up behind Yuri. "You are acting quite weird."
"Weird?" Maximin lets out a manic laugh, saying, "Why have I never felt more normal in my life?"
As he says this, he jumps off the baggage carousel. Yuri looks quite confused, but Heisenberg looks curious.
"What happened to your body?" inquires Heisenberg.
"The physical consequences of attaining knowledge are all." Maximin says this as if it were obvious.
Heisenberg furrows his brow at this and says nothing.
Maximin begins walking towards the gates, and the other two follow.