This is the start of the plague between troveTextravaganza,justifiedRecursion titled 'Hook me up'.
troveTextravaganza: Sooooooooo! I had a favor to ask!
justifiedRecursion: this seems familiar
troveTextravaganza: hush
troveTextravaganza: could you host something for us?
justifiedRecursion: no viruses
troveTextravaganza: of course not!!
troveTextravaganza: juuuuust a website!!
justifiedRecursion: you already have a host for websites
justifiedRecursion: remember???
justifiedRecursion: your friend hacked my damn gristcard
troveTextravaganza: we can't put it there :(
justifiedRecursion: why???
troveTextravaganza: my friend said to say 'to confuse and upset people stuck inside an echidna'
justifiedRecursion: good enough for me
troveTextravaganza: seriously??
troveTextravaganza: that worked??