The catalyst prepares to send a notice to NotAMinotaur.
They pick out a fancy, blank yellow sticky note to bless with the touch of their pencil, and hover their hand above it for a few moments, before putting it neatly back. Then they just write the message out on their keyboard. Don't want to subject the poor boy to the horrors of my handwriting.
Hi NaM!
I can't remember where I've seen it, but I think you prefer to be sent notes so you wouldn't have to reply? So yeah, I'm sending you this note. I'll come visit sometime this evening (well for me it's today evening, but time works weird here, who knows when it will be for you or when you'll even read this... whatever), if you don't mind. If you DO mind a lot, just, try and send me some sort of a sign.
Hope to see you soon,The Catalyst
The moment they finish writing, the note simply dissapears into thin air. It'll be seen, you're sure of it.
The catalyst open a console which receives movement input, and types.
A hatch appears in the floor, flying open suddenly with an ominous CCCRRREEEEK, which startles a lobster who was standing right next to it. It doesn't look hurt, just slightly pissed.
Time to descend.