The Database of Artifacts

And here is the code, in case the link above would rot away:

    class Artifacts:
    def __init__(self, number, objectname, owner, description, effect, mirrorworldeffect, plotconsequences, devonas_dream, zampaniodescription, jrnote

          self.number = number
          self.objectname = objectname
          self.owner = owner
          self.description = description
          self.effect = effect
          self.mirrorworldeffect = mirrorworldeffect
          self.plotconsequences= plotconsequences
          self.devonas_dream = devonas_dream
          self.zampaniodescription = zampaniodescription
          self.jrnote = jrnote

    def shadowed(self):
        print("The "+ self.object+ " is shadowed")

    def mirrored(self):
        print("The "+ self.object+ " is mirrored")

artifact_1 = Artifacts("1", "Unos Autograph Book", "JR", "A tattered cardboard book filled with signatures with an ornate serif '1' embossed onto it.", "Started off the Cultist of the Nameless One sidequest.", "???", "[REDACTED] signed it in my playthrough and got a lot of buffs to bluffing in any Cult scenes.  There was some consequences to intra-party relationship scores, though.  We never reversed it so we didn't find out what it did in the Mirror World.", "Um. I think this ride was about that time I saw an AUTOGRAPH BOOK And I realized that if you wrote your name in it it would be in there FOREVER and anyone who went to write their name in it would SEE IT unless I guess it was the next page and then I thought who wanted to be seen FOREVER like that and wouldn't it be much better if instead once you wrote in it you could never been seen again? But then I realized it wouldn't be YOU you it would just be your name and what would even be the point of just hiding your name?", "A tattered cardboard book filled with signatures with an ornate serif '1' embossed onto it. Your signature is already in it. You do not remember your name. No one does. You are only PLAYER.\n\nA tattered cardboard book filled with signatures with an ornate serif '1' embossed onto it. Even destroying the book will not restore your name to you, PLAYER. You are not real. None of this is. But you're the one insisting we all pretend its a game. This is your fault.", "JR: (obvs, i steal names and replace them with titles)")
artifact_2 = Artifacts("2", "Duo Mask", "The Neighbor", "A faceless theater mask with a 2 on the inside of the forehead.", "If you wear the mask you can make a copy of any person you see that is a SHAMBLING HORROR. The HORROR appears as a FACELESS MANNEQUIN, though can assume any form (save that of their original) to accomplish any goal you give them on golden tokens.", "Any SHAMBLING HORRORS currently spawned take on the appearance of their originals and attempt to stalk, kill, and replace them. They have an alternate, monstrous form that is still somehow clearly the original as well.  Once a SHAMBLING HORROR has replaced their original they will calmly behave more or less as their original would have, with the caveat that they will obey any orders given by the Wearer of the Mask.", "The Mysterious Stranger (revealed to have previously been Watt Mark W post-Octome wiping) wore it to make copies of the party, as well as low level enemies for them to face.  When reversed, most of the party killed their SHAMBLING HORRORS, though [REDACTED] voluntarily gave what was left of his identity to his SHAMBLING HORROR, thus having both [REDACTED] and Joshua in the party at once. The Mirror World uses it to create a perfectly compliant populace. If you refuse to conform, they can replace you with someone who will.", "I don't. Uh. This one. Uh. Well. Um. What if there were. Uh. Have I already talked about those theater masks? What if there was one of them and uh. What if. What if there was a copy of you and the copy was just like you but maybe they were better than you and everyone thought so and if someone wore the mask they could get that better you to do anything they wanted and they used it to replace you except no one was sad because now they get a BETTER version of you and you're not even mourned because nothing of worth was lost?", "A faceless theater mask with a 2 on the inside of the forehead. If you wear the mask you can make a copy of any person you see that is a SHAMBLING HORROR WITH THEIR FACE. The HORROR will stalk them eternally until they can catch them, kill them, and replace them.\n\nA faceless theater mask with a 2 on the inside of the forehead. You cannot stop the SHAMBLING HORROR WITH NO FACE that stalks you. Even if you may be able to disrupt the DUO MASK in the real Zampanio, you can not here. It is your own fault.", "shambling horror boi (he is always perfectly fitting in to wherever he is and hard to think of as being wrong) (also he's a doppleganger)")
artifact_3 = Artifacts("3", "Tres Bottle", "Tyrfing", "A simple glass milk bottle with a 3 emblazoned on it.", "If you write a concept on a scrap of paper and stuff it into the bottle, no one *anywhere* but you will be able to remember this exists. This can be as broad as ""bananas"" or as specific as ""what happened the night of this murder"".", "If you fill the bottle with liquid and dissolve all paper/ink inside then everyone will be aware of the concepts previously contained within it as ""general knowledge"" (even if they hadn't known about it before).", "The Cult of the Nameless One tried to keep Mr Lovettes robbery a sufficient Mystery (despite how much evidence they intentionally left behind) using the Tres Bottle. The Mirror World uses the Bottle as a means to rapidly disseminate information, propaganda slogans and notices from the Association to its populace.", "I don't... Okay um. This ride, uh, this ride is about INFORMATION? Like what if you could write something down somewhere and uh. Forget about. Just uh. Like a message in a bottle. And when you wrote it down just. Everyone knew? Everyone forever? Like you could invent whole things to be common knowledge? But if you destroyed the knowledge. Uh, like maybe filling the bottle with sea water and disolving the paper and ink, uh, then everyone would forget it too? Oh! How would you even know if you forgot a whole concept? What if there's whole colors we SHOULD be able to see but can't because its' gone?", "A simple glass milk bottle with a 3 emblazoned  on it. If you put a scrap of paper with something written on it, everyone will forget that concept or fact.\n\nA simple glass milk bottle with a 3 emblazened on it. If you fill the bottle with liquid to disolve the paper/ink inside, all information inside will instantly fill the minds of everyone in the world.", "Tyrfing (its for edicts from Nidhogg)")
artifact_4 = Artifacts("4", "Quatro Blade", "Eye Killer", "A dull straight razor stained with blood, a number 4 is etched onto the side of the blade.", "Any wound  made by the Quatro Blade is completely unnoticeable, even by the wielder or victim. If a wound is deep enough, the victim can bleed out all while being confused as to why they suddenly feel so tired and non specifically achey. Should the victim die, they are no longer noticeable.", "Reversed, any injury, disease or similar on a victim wounded by the Quatro Blade is EXTREMELY OBVIOUS and the wielder knows *exactly* what caused it and how best to treat it.  Any previously hidden blood or corpses is now visible and extremely hard to ignore.", "Apparently there was an ENTIRE serial killer side quest we missed because  we never caught the killer.  By the time we reversed the Quatro Blade there were corpses and blood *everywhere* suddenly. On the plus side it REALLY helped convince the populace that the World Was Ending, but on the negative side it was NOT worth the insanely high panic score we had to deal with as a result. In the Mirror World the St Bleeding Hospital was founded using copies of the  Blade to make small cuts on patients to diagnose and come up with a treatment plan for wounds (as well as solving violent crimes). The Original Blade is used only for extreme cases.", "Oh um.. I think this ride was about... One time I heard that if a blade is SHARP enough, it could cut you and you wouldn't even feel it, you'd just look down and you'd be bleeding and that was so so scary but all I could think about is what would happen if there was a blade that did it no matter HOW sharp it was, no matter how much it ripped and tore into you. If you could never ever know you got cut you could just bleed to death or get a fatal infection from ANYTHING. I didn't sleep that night because how would you even TELL if you'd already been cut?", "A dull straight razor stained with blood, a number 4 is etched onto the side of the blade. Stabbing it into flesh causes a wound that no one can acknowledge but the wielder. Even the smallest cuts can result in bleeding out/death by infection as a result. \n\nA dull straight razor stained with blood, a number 4 is etched onto the side of the blade. If you clean and sharpen it all wounds on any prior victims of it are now incredibly visible and it is immediately obvious to all who see them how to best treat them.", "Eye Killer, people suddenly stopped paying attention to her kills and they stopped deterring the cultists.")
artifact_5 = Artifacts("5", "Quinque Cloak", "The Closer", "A simple matte black cloak with a 5 embroidered on the back in shiny black thread.", "Wearing it permanently erases your buns, and prevents you from being anything more than an acquaintance with anyone ever again. In game effect is to dissolve your party and switch to solo play.", " When reversed, permanently causes anyone who ever knew you to feel at LEAST as strongly about you as if you were a childhood companion (for good OR for bad).", "We didn't encounter it in the main world, but in the Mirror World it is how the Association kept everyone at small town level of cooperation despite having billions of people. ", "Well, um, this one, uh, this one is probably about my brother Neville, uh, and how much he means to me, and really all my friends, are so important, and if I didn't have them I think I'd just die, so I thought about what if there was, what if you could put on some clothing and suddenly no one recognized you and they didn't care about you anymore and nothing you did could make them remember you were friends or that you had all this history together anymore and how alone you would feel and what if stoped you from making NEW friends. And THEN I started worrying about the opposite, if you could put on one of those fancy outfits like the models or the mannequins wear and instantly be anyone's closest friend and how would you even know if YOUR closest friend was someone like that?", "A simple matte black cloak with a 5 embroidered on the back in shiny black thread. Anyone who wears it finds themeselves permanently considered to be a stranger to their friends/family/enemies who forget they ever existed. Any connections they make can not move past ACQUAINTANCE without being reset. \n\nA simple matte black cloak with a 5 embroidered on the back in shiny black thread. If you dab the blood of someone who once knew you well onto it all bonds obscured by it are restored and improved. Mere casual friends now know and think about their target as much as someone they grew up with (for good or bad).", "The Closer, she can use max charisma to make sales, but not to make friends")
artifact_6 = Artifacts("6", "Sextant", "Flower Chick", "A highly polished brass sextant. There is a 6 carved onto the main knob.", "When activated, the Sextant kills everyone but the wielder in a six foot radius. In exchange, the wielder and anything they are touching is completely undetectable by any means until the Sextant is deactivated (while in contact with the undetectable object). Anything affected that is more than six feet big will have only six feet of it affected.", "When reversed, anything previously affected by the Sextant is now HYPER REALISTIC, easier to see/taste/smell/feel/etc.", "Tobin Conner's death fueled the theft of the Sextant. Additionally, the Judge's ability to Already Be There during an arrest is presumed to be related to this.  In the Mirror World, there's a mafioso owned restaurant that murders enemies and uses that to create the most flavorful pasta you've ever tasted.", "I don't uh. I don't like this one. Uh. I had a nightmare about, uh, well, about nothing? Kind of? About this uh, what do you call those things that like, old timey sea captains would use to navigate the ocean? All brass and with knobs? One of those. And if you messed with the knobs you just. You could make anything you wanted unperceptible? And I thought oh that would be actually kind of nice, I would love to not be perceived but uh, then I thought about what if something SCARY had it and oh no no no I do not want to worry about unperceptible monsters running around. how would you even contain them? And we'd HAVE to contain them, uh, Camille, she's uh, my boss, she'd say we had to.", "A highly polished brass sextant. There is a 6 carved onto the main knob.  When activated via twisting the main knob, anyone possessing the sextant is temporarily unable to be located by any means, even observation. Anyone within range besides the activator is instantly killed\n\nA highly polished brass sextant. There is a 6 carved onto the main knob. If you unscrew the knob, anything previously undectable (by any means) is now somehow more real than anything else. More visible, louder, with a stronger scent/taste, etc.", "her FAQs are doomed to either be utterly unperceived or to be so perceived as to cause people to obsess to the point of injury")
artifact_7 = Artifacts("7", "Septum Coin", "The Neighbor", "An old bronze coin. There is a theater mask on one side, and a 7 on the other.", "Anyone holding it is considered to be unremarkable and perfectly normal and expected for wherever they are.", "When reversed, anyone holding it will stand out horribly in crowds and be extremely obviously out of place.", "It turned out that the Judge had this coin at all times (besides one scene), which is why he was so unremarkable. You could not remark on him.  [REDACTED] had used it to try to steal the OCTOME as well, which is why he wasn't caught even after the bodies were discovered (even though people can recount him as being at the scene no one considered it weird). In the Mirror World, visitors are required to hold coins minted from the Septum Coin, which have a dulled version of its effect, so that the Association can keep an eye on them in particular.", "This ride is uh, probably about this weird coin I dreamed about? It had like, one of those theater masks on one side, the kind where they can be happy or sad and that's supposed to warn you about whats in the play except these days everyone just shows BOTH Of them to just mean 'theater' instead of telling anyone whats inside and then its entirely useless just because they showed you too much but on the OTHER side of this coin was the number 7 and uh, the coin would make it so you were supposed to be wherever you were and no one would yell at you or tell you you had to leave and sometimes I wish I had that coin but also uh. Oh. Um. Nevermind.", "An old bronze coin. There is a theater mask on one side, and a 7 on the other. Anyone who possesses it physicaly will go unremarked. They will be perfectly expected and normal wherever they are.\n\nAn old bronze coin. There is a theater mask on one side, and a 7 on the other.  If you render this unrecognizable as a coin (such as melting it down) all previous owners of the coin will be able to retroactively be remarked on. In the present and future, they will stand out horribly in crowds.", "shambling horror boi (he is always perfectly fitting in to wherever he is and hard to think of as being wrong) (also he's a doppleganger) (also he eats coins) (morgans hill gave him the septum coin so they could keep track of him and he ate it)")
artifact_8 = Artifacts("8", "Octome", "Not A Minotaur", "A crumbling leather book with seemingly latin script, with messily torn pages.  There is an 8 embossed onto the back.", "When activated, everyone within 8 feet is killed besides the wielder.  In exchange, NO written information can exist about anyone within its radius. This includes past documentation, as well as anything in the future. Text will simply fail to appear on pages as you write it.", "When reversed, causes all information hidden by the OCTTOME to be INCREDIBLY EASY to find. People will find themselves drawn to wherever it is, and it will somehow always end up in an easily accessible location.", "It being accidentally activated by [REDACTED] is what killed the previous Skunkworks team and erased all records of what cases they'd worked on. A separate accidental activation erased Watt Mark W's harddrive and lead to him being recruited into the Cult of the Nameless One.", "Oh, yeah, uh, this one is, uh, very familiar to me. Very personal? I definitely remember making it! Uh. This one is about uh, have you ever thought about how WEIRD books are? They're filled with all these words and you don't get to know what they are until they're already in your head and what if they aren't words you WANTED in your head? What if they're BAD words? And uh. So I thought about a book where it could put anything it wanted into your head, but if you, uh, if you destroyed it then maybe no one could think about YOU instead? You try to stop the book but instead it stops you.", "A crumbling leather book with seemingly latin script, with messily torn pages.  There is an 8 embossed onto the back. If you tear one its pages everyone nearby permanently can not be written about and any writing about them is erased. Additionally, everyone but the tearer dies instantly.\n\nA crumbling leather book with seemingly latin script, with messily torn pages.  There is an 8 embossed onto the back.  If you repair any of its pages, or add new pages to it all knowledge erased by it is permanently restored and can not be erased again by mundane means. People will find themselves drawn unnaturally to this restored information and it will be very easy to find.", "NAM, he literally has been wiped by it and his philosophy obsessions are from pages added to it (he reacts differently tahn others would cuz it was his memory wiped since it was technically a written record)")
artifact_9 = Artifacts("9", "Novum Mirror", "Wanda", "An ornate but tarnished silver mirror, with a 9 carved onto the back. It is said to reflect everything but faces.", "When activated, anyone within a 9 foot radius can no longer have SUFFICIENTLY ACCURATE PICTORIAL REPRESENTATIONS made of them.  This includes photographs, drawings, videos, anything visual.  Additionally, anyone who attempts to make pictorial representations of them will gain the effect themselves, ad infinitum.", "When reversed, anyone previously affected by the Mirror is EXTREMELY easy to document pictorially.  CCTV cameras swivel to follow them. Tourists with cameras find themselves inexplicably drawn to take their picture. Bored artists sketch their likeness.", "Penny took a picture of Mr Lovette, who was directly affected.  She, in turn, was photographed by Mr Whately. By the time the world started ending most citizens no longer appeared in photographs. In the Mirror World, all citizens are afflicted, to encourage sufficient crowd sourcing of surveillance.", "What if there were this mirror, right? I mean, I guess that's kind of stupid, wait, my therapist says I should stop calling myself stupid, I guess its kind of uh. um. UNEXPECTED that the mirror is scary? But they ARE! If you're in a dark room and then you suddenly seem someone but you thought you were alone that is SCARY even if turns out to be a mirror and you feel relieved but THEN you start worrying that maybe its not a NORMAL mirror that maybe its DANGEROUS and not a normal kind of danger where it'll send you to another universe because if it were THAT it already would have happened so instead its a more SUBTLE danger like maybe if you get reflected by it suddenly you can never been seen again or even WORSE suddenly everyone is looking at you?", "An ornate but tarnished silver mirror, with a 9 carved onto the back. It reflects everyting but faces.  If you shatter the mirror you can never be photographed again nor can anyone who photographs you. No image of you or those you affect can be created past a certain skillpoint, as well. The shattering does not last long.\n\nAn ornate but tarnished silver mirror, with a 9 carved onto the back. If you take a picture of it it will permanently crack and all effects from it will be dispelled. Mundane means will no longer prevent anyone previously effected by it from being photographed and in fact cameras will go out of their way to document them.", "fucking WANDA obviously, they are watching everyone forever and also we cannot see them, but are also hyperfocusing on them")
artifact_10 = Artifacts("10", "Deca Blaster or the Clown Nose?", "U+2603 or the Herald of beef", "Okay, so there are only 9 artifacts, but there were jokes about a 10th one. The mysterious snowman made a page for the Deca Blaster, and the Herald mentioned the Clown nose in their testimony. The snowman's description from the wiki is: A really cool gun hidden under a secret truck. The number 10 is etched onto the side of the handle.", "Snowman: Any victim injured by the Deca Blaster is instantly killed. \n Herald: clown nose that turns anything that wears it into the final boss", "Reversed, the Deca Blaster can be used to bring a freshly-deceased corpse back to life, or wake up coma patients. The gunshot wound still occurs, but heals nigh-instantaneously.", "Snowman: No one found it.\nHerald: i accidentally triggered a secret boss fight by talking to the librarian in the second town with one of my party members wearing a clown nose that makes you overpowered and insane. he put the clown nose on her and she started bullet-helling knives everywhere and oneshotted the entire party. upon reloading, the clown nose was permanently gone and everyone involved looked nervous when i tried talking to her again. i got another achievement for this", "No, this joke haven't reached the point where JR would work it into other branches.", "Okay, so there are only 9 artifacts, but there were jokes about a 10th one. The mysterious snowman made a page for the Deca Blaster, and the Herald mentioned the Clown nose in their testimony.", "This is not part of the original artifacts, nothing here, sorry")

import time
import textwrap

listofartifacts = [artifact_1, artifact_2, artifact_3, artifact_4, artifact_5, artifact_6, artifact_7, artifact_8, artifact_9, artifact_10]
listofattributes = ["Number", "Object name", "Owner", "Description", "Effect", "Mirrorworld effect", "Plot consequences", "Devona's dream", "Zampanio description", "JR's note"]


print("Welcome to the Artifact Database!")

def askloop():
    print("On which Artifact would you like to expand your knowledge?")
    for i in range(1,10):
        print(i, end=" ")
    requestart = input("\nChoose a number: ")
    requestart = int(requestart)
    valid_requestart = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
    if requestart not in valid_requestart:
        print("Sorry, but this is not in my Database.")
    current_artifact = listofartifacts[requestart-1]
    print("You have chosen the "+current_artifact.objectname)
    print("What would you like to learn about?")
    for i in range(1,len(listofattributes)-1):
        print(str(i)+". "+listofattributes[i+1])
    requesttul = input("Choose a number: ")
    if requesttul == '1':
        print("The owner of the "+current_artifact.objectname+" is assumed to be",end=" ")
    elif requesttul == '2':
        print("The "+current_artifact.objectname+" has the following description:")
        answerstring = current_artifact.description
    elif requesttul == '3':
        print("The "+current_artifact.objectname+" has the following effect:")
        answerstring = current_artifact.effect
    elif requesttul == '4':
        print("The " + current_artifact.objectname + " has the following effect in the Mirrorworld:")
        answerstring = current_artifact.mirrorworldeffect
    elif requesttul == '5':
        print("The " + current_artifact.objectname + " had the following plot consequences:")
        answerstring = current_artifact.plotconsequences
        print(textwrap.fill(answerstring, 70))
    elif requesttul == '6':
        print("Devona had a dream about the " + current_artifact.objectname + ":")
        answerstring = current_artifact.devonas_dream
    elif requesttul == '7':
        print("The description of the " + current_artifact.objectname + " is a bit different in Zampanio:")
        answerstring = current_artifact.zampaniodescription
    elif requesttul == '8':
        print("JR said: Each char is associated in some way with an artifact. Maybe its powered by them (even if they've never seen it), maybe they're forced to use it. Maybe it was used on them.\nAbout the " + current_artifact.objectname + ":")
        answerstring = current_artifact.jrnote
        print(textwrap.fill(answerstring, 70))
        print("Sorry, wrong input")

counter = 0

while counter != 9:
    counter += 1
    newask = input("\nWould you like more knowledge? ")
    newask = newask.lower()
    if "y" in newask:

print("Obsession is a dangerous thing. \nThe Minotaur would like you to leave now.")

Obvious exit: